Not much has changed weather-wise since I last wrote in January. Old man winter is still parked over the SouthEast like never before. We've had more winter wonder this year than in all 22 years I've lived in NC. The cold continues to provide ample opportunity to improve my physical, mental and spiritual bodies.
I'm teaching in AB Tech's veterinary medical program this semester and continue to teach yoga classes in the PE department. Three weeks ago we had a camelid lab., (camelid's are the genus that camels, llamas, and alpaca's belong to). I was charged and run into by a 700# male llama. It was a battle of dominance between he and the llama I was leading, which would have been fine, but I ended up in the line of attack and walked away with a injured left shoulder. The force of the impact was tremendous and initially I thought I may have separated my shoulder, but now feel it is a soft tissue injury.
So why am I sharing this with you? Fortunately, I have many hours in yoga therapy to rely on, having studied with my teacher John Friend since 2001. Drawing from my knowledge I have nearly healed my shoulder through gentle and effective yoga therapeutic techniques, strength training and good body mechanic awareness.
It's empowering to have a strong base of knowledge that an excellent yogic system like Anusara Yoga provides. From this system I have the know-how of what to do when I experience an injury. Aside from topical treatments such as ice, heat, woodlock oil, dmso, all of which I've used, I knew exactly what poses would increase mobility without further damaging the tissue. A strong awareness of shoulder loop has proved essential in the healing process as well as physical therapy poses at the wall. The wall poses engage all the muscles of the shoulder girdle, both strengthening and stretching them and placing them in correct anatomical position.
For those of students who've not experienced therapeutic yoga workshops, I strongly encourage you to do so. Of course, I can't say enough about Anusara , as it's the system that I'm steeped in and feel it's exceptional for not only therapetics but as a stellar yogic system in general. We have many wonderful Anusara instructors in our region. Joe Taft and Deidre Smith Gilmer are Asheville's certified instructors. Our yoga kula continues to grow strong. Many exceptional Anusara instructors can be found throughout the Carolinas.
In closing, the sun is concealed behind the clouds today and unveils itself periodically, revealing the Truth that it's always there. Injuries can be avenues in which we uncover the essential nature of our True Self. Injuries teach us lessons such as patience, compassion, persistence as well as providing opportunity to examine the ego. In what ways may you look inward and allow the Truth within yourself to be unveiled? Spend some time in silence each day and the Light with burst forth in ways unimaginable.