Friday, April 17, 2009

Extraordinare Day

Today I was blessed with a half day off from work, after a grueling week. The weather is gorgeous; warm, sunny, blue bird sky. The air is crystal clear which allows the mountains to show all of their glory. I spent the day up in the Coleman Boundary, a section of Pisgah National Forest in Barnardsville, a mere 20 minutes away. I took the dogs and O'Reilly up there to trail ride. We had a wonderful, peaceful day. The Ivy River, which flowed right next to us most of the trail, was raging from all the rain. It was amazingly powerful in its movement and provided a comforting background sound to our ride. Filled with Shakti and life giving energy, I couldn’t help but hear OM in the torrent of the water. When listening, one can find the sound of OM, the sound of Universal vibration, in nearly everything, even in the most distracting noises of life. OM, resonates in all things within and without. Try making it a practice to see if you can hear OM in simple things, such as nature, traffic, wind chimes or your breath. When you can make a mindful shift, the cacophony of life transforms into music of the spirit.

Blessings in your journey.

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