Greetings Yogini's!
Jack Frost has parked himself over WNC for the last month and has no plans to leave it seems. We received a healthy dose of snow just before Christmas and the freezing temperatures have yet to relinquish their icy grip on us since. I escaped to the warmth and sun of Mexico and Belize for a week during the Christmas Holiday and dream of returning sooner rather than later!
It's tempting to chime in to the complaints of those around me about the weather, but remind myself this is a time for introspection and renewal. The frosty weather has provided ample opportunity for me to delve deeply into my spiritual and physical body, resulting in lots of yoga and meditation time!
The hostel is still hopping despite the snow. I'm continually amazed by the incredible woman who grace the doorstep here at FlatCreek Yoga Hostel. Beautiful, strong women with such depth of heart and being. Each one is a gift to me and I cherish each encounter.
This coming week ends the three week break I've gotten from teaching my yoga classes at the community college. Monday, I will have fresh faces, eager bodies and minds before me for the next 16 weeks of the semester. It always surprises me how nervous I am in the beginning of the semester, yet once in the process of teaching, sharing and getting to know each student individually, how much I receive from each student and how my creativity flows as I teach. If I were to go with the hesitation I first feel, I would never have the opportunity to receive such gifts. That lesson within itself is a rare and precious gift.
I look forward to meeting new yogini's in the New Year and reconnecting with familiar faces as well.
Blessings of Shakti to you all!
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